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"UI Developer"

"UI Developer"

V Manoj Kumar's profile picture
Posted by V Manoj Kumar
1 - 4 yrs
₹2L - ₹6L / yr
"html 5"
"angular js"
EiS Technologies is a leader in reporting, application and technology solutions for Oracle E-Business Suite customers, and has been for over a decade. Along with EiS eXpress, a powerful engine that provides unparalleled dash-boarding and analytical/ad-hoc reporting capabilities, the EiS team of over 100 professionals is ready to help with your ERP implementation, upgrades, custom development, managed services, payroll outsourcing and support. With brand name customers across the globe and recent growth of over 200%, EiS Technologies has found its niche within Oracle E-Business Suite. Our unwavering dedication to providing perfection and unmatched value in the Oracle E-Business space is what makes EiS Technologies world renowned as the Oracle Solutions Company.
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Shubham Vishwakarma

Full Stack Developer - Averlon
I had an amazing experience. It was a delight getting interviewed via Cutshort. The entire end to end process was amazing. I would like to mention Reshika, she was just amazing wrt guiding me through the process. Thank you team.
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EiS Technologies is a global leader in providing reporting, application, and technology solutions for Oracle E-Business Suite customers. With over a decade of experience, EiS Technologies offers unparalleled dash-boarding and analytical/ad-hoc reporting capabilities through its powerful engine, EiS eXpress. The company's team of over 100 professionals provides ERP implementation, upgrades, custom development, managed services, payroll outsourcing, and support to its brand name customers across the globe.
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Ravikanth Laxmana

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V Manoj Kumar
Posted by V Manoj Kumar
1 - 4 yrs
₹2L - ₹6L / yr
"html 5"
"angular js"
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EiS Technologies is a leader in reporting, application and technology solutions for Oracle E-Business Suite customers, and has been for over a decade. Along with EiS eXpress, a powerful engine that provides unparalleled dash-boarding and analytical/ad-hoc reporting capabilities, the EiS team of over 100 professionals is ready to help with your ERP implementation, upgrades, custom development, managed services, payroll outsourcing and support. With brand name customers across the globe and recent growth of over 200%, EiS Technologies has found its niche within Oracle E-Business Suite. Our unwavering dedication to providing perfection and unmatched value in the Oracle E-Business space is what makes EiS Technologies world renowned as the Oracle Solutions Company.
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Shubham Vishwakarma

Full Stack Developer - Averlon
I had an amazing experience. It was a delight getting interviewed via Cutshort. The entire end to end process was amazing. I would like to mention Reshika, she was just amazing wrt guiding me through the process. Thank you team.
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